Top 7 Fixes for We’ve Run Into an Issue Error in Microsoft Teams on Windows

Microsoft Teams is a popular business collaboration app among Windows users, and for good reason. However, Teams is flawed and free from issues. At times, Microsoft Teams might refuse to open, obstruct your login, or fail to load, presenting the ‘We’re sorry—we’ve run into an issue’ message on your Windows 10 or 11 computer.

Top 7 Fixes for Weve Run Into an Issue Error in Microsoft Teams on Windows

There can be several reasons for this message. So, there is no one-size-fits-all solution that will apply to everyone. Rest assured, working through the following fixes should resolve the error and get Teams running again.

1. Run Microsoft Teams as an Administrator

Running Microsoft Teams with administrative privileges will grant the app all the necessary permissions on Windows, allowing it to operate smoothly without interruptions. Hence, it’s the first thing you should try.

Step 1: Press Control + Shift + Escape keyboard shortcut to open the Task Manager. In the Processes tabs, right-click on Microsoft Teams, and select the End task option.

Close Teams Using Task Manager

Step 2: Right-click on the Teams icon and select Run as administrator.

Run Teams as Admin

Step 3: Select Yes when the User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears.

Teams Admin UAC

Try using Teams again and see if it works fine.

2. Run Microsoft Teams in Compatibility Mode

If opening Teams as an administrator proves ineffective, try running it in compatibility mode. Several users on the Microsoft forums reported that this method fixed the ‘We’re sorry—we’ve run into an issue’ error in Teams. You can also give it a try.

Step 1: Right-click on the Microsoft Teams icon and select Properties.

Open Teams Properties

Step 2: Switch to the Compatibility tab. Click the checkbox that reads ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for.’

Teams Compatiblity Setings

Step 3: Click the drop-down menu to select Windows 8, click Apply followed by OK.

Teams Compatiblity Settings

Try opening Teams again and see if you encounter any errors.

3. Remove Teams Data From Credential Manager

Credential Manager on Windows stores your login information for various apps, including Teams. If your Microsoft Teams login information in Credential Manager is incorrect, you may receive the message ‘We’ve run into an issue’ while trying to sign in to the Teams app on Windows.

You can remove the Teams data from Credential Manager to see if that restores normalcy. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Click the search icon on the taskbar or press the Windows + S keyboard shortcut to open the search menu. Type credential manager in the box and press Enter.

Open Credential Manager on Windows 11

Step 2: Select Windows Credentials.

Windows Credentials on Windows

Step 3: Locate and expand the Teams entry. Then, click the Remove option.

Remove Teams Credentials From Credential Manager

Step 4: Click Yes to confirm.

Confirm Remove Teams Credentials From Credential Manager

Open Teams after completing the above steps, try to sign in to the app, and check if the error occurs.

4. Clear Microsoft Teams’ Cache

The Teams app on your PC may have outdated or corrupt temporary files. This can cause Teams to keep displaying the ‘We’ve run into an issue’ message on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. To fix it, you will need to get rid of the problematic Teams cache files by following the steps below.

Step 1: Press the Windows + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run dialog box. Type %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams in the box and hit Enter.

Open Teams Cache Data

Step 2: In the File Explorer window that opens, select all the files and folders and click the trash icon at the top to delete them.

Clear Teams App Cache

5. Temporarily Disable VPN

A VPN connection can sometimes interfere with Teams and prevent it from connecting to the servers. This can lead to unusual errors. Try turning off your VPN connection temporarily and see if that gets things going again.

VPN on Computer

6. Reset Internet Options

Internet Options on your PC influence how the system and your apps connect to the internet. If there is an issue with your PC’s Internet Options, you may need to reset them to fix the problem.

Step 1: Click the search icon on the taskbar, type in internet options and press Enter.

Open Internet Options Windows

Step 2: Under the Advanced tab, Click the Restore advanced settings button. Then, hit Apply followed by OK.

Reset Internet Options on Windows

Try using Teams again and see if you encounter the ‘We’ve run into an issue’ error again on your Windows PC.

7. Reinstall Microsoft Teams

If nothing else works, you can consider uninstalling Microsoft Teams from your PC and installing it again. This should give the app a fresh start on your PC and resolve any issues.

Step 1: Press the Windows + S keyboard shortcut to open the search menu. Type in Microsoft Teams and click the Uninstall option.

Uninstall Teams From Windows

Step 2: Click the Uninstall button to confirm.

Confirm Uninstall Teams From Windows

Step 3: Use the following link to download Microsoft Teams on your PC and install it. Following that, it should run smoothly.

Microsoft Teams in Action

Microsoft Teams is a fantastic collaboration tool for businesses and organizations. However, errors like ‘We’ve run into an issue’ in Teams can sometimes hinder your productivity and leave you frustrated. We hope that one of the solutions above has helped resolve the underlying issue and you can resume work.

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Last updated on 25 August, 2023

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